Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Letter to Mr. Mark Zuckerberg

Attention to all facebookers (especially Mr Mark Zuckerberg):

Please delete this facebook account above. It is fake, inappropriate, harass, insulting religious, etc. Reports have been sent to Malaysia's Government (Malaysian Communications & Multimedia Commission), but still no action is taken (or maybe the investigation is taking longer time). All we want is just closed this account FOREVER. And please BANNED the name & email which being used by this person from making any more fake facebook account.

Furthermore, please add in your facebook programme/software that can detect any insult/harass words in order to prevent the above matter from recurring.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Facebook User

1 comment:

  1. ah moi holalala...i miss you....baru ternampak update blog banyak banyak k...rindu mo baca blog post kau...
